Commonly known as the toaster. This device has a legendary ability to hold onto a weak link, albeit at a max 384Kbps up and 7.2Mbps (after upgrade from 3.2mbps) down. This device was manufactured by C-Motech (Korea) and re-badged in Australia by Maxon and sold by Telstra and Bigpond. It has an external power supply and provides modem only. Enabling the wireless card allows systems to read chipset information and manufacturer name, as well as connect to a network without using an Ethernet cable. Updating the driver version can resolve different compatibility issues, fix related errors spotted throughout the product’s usage, add.
BARCELONA, Spain (AVING Special Report on 'MWC 2010') -- <Visual News> C-motech that developed for the first time in Korea a smart book is participating as the only Korean midsized company in the world's greatest communications exhibition, Mobile World Congress 2010 (MWC).
Starting with this exhibition, C-motech is planning to actively attack the global Wibro market.
(Photo caption 1~3: C-motech's Smart book 'Mangrove')
The product C-motech is putting forth as its spearhead a DBDM modem that supports both Wibro and the existing 3G network (CDMA/WCDMA) to pioneer into the global Wibro market.
A company official said, 'The DBDM modem that C-motech independently developed and is supplying to the world solves the problem of limited coverage of the early Wibro market significantly contributing to its pioneering into the global Wibro market, including the United States and Japan.'
By launching 'Mangrove,' a smart book, in the midst of heightened interest worldwide in tablet PCs, C-motech plans to largely publicize its new business.
The smart book Mangrove is the first next generation portable Internet device developed in Korea with Quilcam's Snap Dragon, Window Mobile 6.5, and a 7 inch bar type design. It has wider readability than smart phone and is lighter than netbook making it very portable. The company plans to naturally have visitors to the exhibit use Mangrove.
Also, C-motech is also actively communicating to businessmen on LTE technology in view of its future use in 2010 and plans to show its firm will to occupy first new markets. LTE is also a dual mode product, C-motech's greatest competitive edge. The company plans to present a roadmap for future-oriented technological development whereby Wibro and LTE can coexist.
The booth is created strategically and with new composition in order to approach visitors. The display will be composed of three areas of User Friendly, Technology Leading, and LTE Evolution to enable users to freely test the product in order for C-motech to consolidate its position as a global IT company.
'MWC 2010' is held from February 15 to 18 in Barcelona, Spain.
This list contains the compatible modems for use with the Pepwave and Peplink routers. If your modem is not on the list, read this before ordering!
The Pepwave Max, Surf SOHO, and Surf On-The-Go routers support 'WiFi as WAN,' meaning they are capable of connecting to an external WiFi hotspot as its source of internet connectivity. If you have a device that broadcasts WiFi - like the Verizon Jetpacks or a smartphone with the hotspot feature active (phones like the iPhone and many Droid devices have this option) - you can connect those routers to your hotspot/phone via WiFi as WAN. Your hotspot/phone will not tether directly to the router, but the router will pick up your device's WiFi signal and create a network from that. The Balance routers do NOT support this feature. |
1&1 (Germany) |
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8ta (South Africa) |
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Alltel |
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USB: 2WiFi as WAN: |
Brasil Telecom (Brazil) |
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CAT Telecom (Thailand) |
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Cell (South Africa) |
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China Telecom (China) |
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Chunghwa Telecom (Taiwan) |
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Claro (Guatemala) |
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Dialog (Sri Lanka) |
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Hamrahe Aval (Iran) |
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Idea (India) |
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INWI (Morocco) |
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Iusacell (Mexico) |
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Kõu (Estonia) |
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Leo (Namibia) |
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Maxis (Malaysia) |
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Orange (Ivory Coast) |
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PT Hutchinson (Indonesia) |
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SK Telecom (South Korea) |
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Smart (Philippines) |
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Sprint |
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Starcomms (Nigeria) |
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Sun Cellular (Philliphines) |
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Tele2 (Sweden) |
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TIM (Italy) |
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T-Mobile (UK) |
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TNM (Portugal) |
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Turkcell (Turkey) |
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USB: Novatel Ovation MC727 (Verizon USB727) Novatel Ovation MC760 (Verizon USB760) Novatel MiFi 2200 Novatel MiFi 4620L Novatel MiFi 5510L Novatel MiFi 6620L Novatel U620L 1Novatel USB551L Pantech MHS291L Pantech UM150 Pantech UM175 Pantech UMW190VZ 1Pantech UML290 4Pantech UML295 2WiFi as WAN: |
Virgin Mobile |
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VIVA (Kuwait) |
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Vodacom (Ireland) |
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Vodacom (Tanzania) |
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Vodafone (Portugal) |
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Vodafone (UK) |
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YTL (Malaysia) |
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Zain (Jordan) |
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1 - These 3G/4G modems are supported, BUT you will need to manually switch between 3G and 4G (the router cannot auto-switch between 3G and 4G modes with these modems). For the Verizon UML290, you'll need to follow the instructions on this page to lock it to 3G.
2 - These hotspot devices will not tether directly to the router via USB, but you can connect this router to your hotspot/phone via WiFi as WAN. The router will pick up your device's WiFi signal and create a network from that. (NOT SUPPORTED ON THE BALANCE ROUTERS!)

3 - Before using the AT&T Momentum in a router, it is recommended that you disable 'modem shutdown' to minimize disconnects. Changing this setting first will allow the Momentum to connect each time without issue:
- In the Sierra Watcher sotware, click the 'Menu' icon and select 'Options'.
- Click the 'General' tab and select 'Startup/Shutdown'.
- Select 'Do Nothing' from the 'On Exit' drop-down menu and click 'Apply', then 'OK'.
C-motech Network Connection

C-motech Network App
4 - The UML295 works with the Peplink Balance/Max routers for basic use, but full support is not available. We do not recommended using the UML295 with a Peplink router for remote applications because manual resets may be necessary.